
56, I. Javakhishvili st.



In today’s vineyards, the wires, posts, wire joints and tensioners as well as machinery used are constantly being improved. Your vineyard needs the best trellising system which can be tensioned within seconds but which will serve for decades.


The Gripple Plus product range provides a fast and economical way to install and maintain a solid trellis structure. The range includes the GP Small, GP Medium and GP Large, which are designed to accommodate the wire diameters/gauges most commonly used in vineyard applications. As no bending or knotting is needed while using Gripple tensioners, the durability and longevity of your vineyard wire is optimized.

The Gripple Torq Tensioning Tool tensions Gripple Plus wire using Gripple tensioners. 1 man-day is required in order to complete 10 ha vineyard trellising. In addition to the Gripple Plus product range Gripple produces anchors, bracing appliances and other accessories.

Use of Gripple products minimizes installation labour and makes annual maintenance negligible. When it comes to the viticulture Gripple is there! Gripple is everywhere where vineyards are!